Archive for March 2021
MA Training with NIMAA Begins Sept. 2021
Starting a career in healthcare? Mountain Family Health Centers will be starting MA training with the National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement (please tag NIMAA) starting September 2021. Total program costs is under $7000. To learn more, visit Applications close July 17th.
Read MoreCelebrating Diane Purse and Wishing Her Well in Retirement
by Dr. Kent PetrieWhen Diane Purse joined our provider staff at Eagle Care Clinic (now Mountain Family) in 2004, our care of children took a “quantum leap.” Her outstanding clinical skills were evident from the start. I have always considered her the best “pediatrician” in our area. When she asks me for advice, she already…
Read MoreHere Comes the Sun: Building Hope by Vaccinating Against COVID-19
This past fall, most national experts predicted a cold and dark winter for the United States as COVID-19 cases and deaths grew precipitously. Unfortunately, the expert predictions were mainly correct, as national COVID cases reached their peak on January 8, 2021, with 315,179 positive COVID-19 cases in a single day, according to the Centers for…
Read MoreMarch 2021 Exemplary Care Award Winner: Noreen Woods
“I would like to nominate Noreen for the Exemplary Provider award. Her assessments of patients are thorough, thoughtful and professional. I just recently had a patient go through a very, very difficult medication change for bipolar disorder with a lot of terrible side effects, lethargy, confusion. Noreen walked beside this patient, calling them, checking in,…
Read MoreMarch 2021 Mariposa Award Winner: Lucas Wagner
“I would like to nominate Lucas Wagner, an important team member in IT, for the Mariposa award. Lucas consistently goes the extra mile to ensure our staff at MFHC is taken care of with their technology problems. For the past few weeks, Lucas has been pulling extra time because we are short 1 helpdesk person.…
Read MoreSpecial Thanks to our Health for All Fund Founding Members
We are pleased to welcome the individuals and families listed below as Founding Members of our new Health For All Fund, totaling 47 to date. Founding Members agree make gifts over three years to the Health For All Fund, ensuring that a steady stream of life-saving funds will continue to benefit the 21,000 patients we…
Read MoreMountain Family Inaugurates the Health For All Fund
Last year Mountain Family Health Centers inaugurated our new “Health For All Fund” – a place where individuals, families, businesses, and friends can support our life-saving work.Donors to this fund support areas of greatest need throughout Mountain Family, including COVID-19 testing and vaccine inoculations as well as primary care for the 21,000 patients served in…
Read MoreFebruary 2021: Exemplary Care Award Winners
Corrinne Johnson, PAC | Audrey Fisher, DDS | Kendra Nagey, CPNP “Today Corrinne Johnson squeezed our two year old daughter in to complete an urgent acute care appointment. Sloan had bitten through her tongue and lip the night prior. Her father and I were very worried her tongue would not be ok. Corrinne gathered the…
Read MoreFebruary 2021 Mariposa Award Winner: Wendy Flottmeyer
“She is hardworking and a thought leader. I appreciate the way she incorporates humor and determination into her work regimen. I often tease that we give all the hard work to Wendy when we work on projects, but in actuality that’s the truth!” Steven Leazer “There is a silent hero among us. She quietly does…
Read MoreUninsured Coloradans Can Enroll Now Through May 15, 2021
Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s official health insurance marketplace, has opened a new Uninsured Enrollment Period that runs through May 15, 2021 to help as many people as possible protect their health and safety. Anyone who is uninsured can enroll during this time, without having a qualifying event to sign up. As a reminder,…
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