Danyelle Carlson Execuative Administrative Assitant

By Danyelle Rigli, Advocacy Coordinator

Editor’s Note: We updated this blog post on Monday, September 17.

National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 25 this year. In 2016, the National Voter Registration Day drive registered 750,000 voters within all 50 states. National Voter Registration Day has been an annual event since 2012 and focuses on educating and registering voters on the process. Many people miss the opportunity to vote because they are unaware of registration deadlines, rules about updating registration or not having the opportunity to register in the first place.

Mountain Family Health Centers is dedicated to community advocacy and voter education. Patients who have appointments with our Outreach and Enrollment staff are asked if they would like to register to vote, but we are also now offering voter registration help and education in several of our clinic waiting rooms throughout the fall season. Educating our communities about important topics that affect their health and well-being is part of the Mountain Family mission to be an advocacy leader.

People who vote are often more likely to be involved in community activities, have lower rates of unemployment and better health outcomes.

Please visit a Mountain Family Health Centers site on Tuesday, September 25 to be part of the National Voter Registration Day movement.

Colorado residents can register before National Voter Registration Day through Colorado’s registration website, www.GoVoteColorado.com, or by contacting a local County Clerk and Recorder’s office. To learn more about National Voter Registration Day go to nationalvoterregistrationday.org or call 866-OUR-VOTE (English, 866-687-8683) or 888-VE-Y-VOTA (Spanish, 888-839-8682)

Dates to Remember
Tuesday, September 25 – National Voter Registration Day
Monday, October 15 – Ballots sent out in the mail
Monday, October 22 – In-person voting begins at county vote centers
Tuesday, November 6th – Election Day