Dr Gail Mizner

Congratulations Gail Mizner, MD

“I wanted to recognize Dr. Gail Mizner this month for her swift work with the changing landscape of treatment for COVID. Dr. Mizner as we know takes care of all of our immune compromised rheumatoid patients, and as many of them tested positive I heard several heroic stories of her calling around to all of the different hospitals, always on days where she’s “off” to make sure patients are evaluated and treated ASAP. Dr. Mizner often does the leg work for her patients in acute situations like this on her own as she doesn’t have the same RN MA set ups as the rest of us, and she always gets things done when they count the most. Dr. Mizner no doubt helped save some lives with this latest Omicron surge and her patients, and her colleagues are very grateful to have her.”

– Anneliese Heckert, DO, Co-Chief Medical Officer, Site Medical Director – Glenwood Springs 

“Dr. Mizner provided care to Julie (his wife) and helped her navigate her choices and path to manage a chronic care issue.  Even when Julie didn’t agree with Gail’s recommendations, Gail helped her navigate alternatives in a way that felt respectful and honoring to Julie, and they appreciated the respect, education, and help in navigating their choices.”  

– Jon Fox-Rubin, MFHC Board Member

“Representative Julie McCluskie (who attended the 12/21/21 MFHC Board meeting along with Representative Dylan Roberts) honored your leadership of the Governor-appointed Prescription Drug Affordability Board, which you’re chairing on behalf of our state. Exec Team, more info on this committee that Gail is chairing at: Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board | DORA Division of Insurance (colorado.gov). We have also received numerous generous contributions from community members who know and appreciate Dr. Mizner’s hard work with MFHC.” (i.e. Fonda Paterson)

– Ross Brooks, MFHC CEO & Julie McCluskie Representative Colorado