Kaitlyn McGovern Quality Specialist

“From the words of Urban Dictionary, “Kaitlyn is Truly remarkable. She is selfless and caring as shown by her determination and willingness to go the extra mile.”

I believe that Urban Dictionary knew our Kaitlyn specifically. She joined our Mountain Family, Family a year ago and has made her way into being a true Mariposa example. You can always find her with a smile and searching for ways to improve the lives of our patients and employees. No matter the task, she is willing to help. I am constantly wowed by her vast knowledge and eagerness to move forward.

Just recently, HR began a project that would require extra work out of our quality department. Without hesitation, Kaitlyn moved things around to accommodate us. As we began the project, she did something that is worth millions. She “listened.” She allowed me to express my needs, my plan and then waited for me to ask her what she thought. This small gesture made the entire process run smoothly. I am incredibly grateful for her.

For these reasons and many more, I believe Kaitlyn should be the Mariposa Award Winner. ” –Devon Spaulding

“She works tirelessly to make sure we have all our data and our measures in place. She also is great at creating Work Flow Maps from a ton of lists and documentation.  Her energy, her kindness and her patience are amazing. I am thankful to have her here at MFHC and for her hard work. is always ready to help at a moments notice and I am very thankful for her efforts. I wholeheartedly support this nomination.” – Siouxanne Mease