Dear Patients and Partners of Mountain Family Health Centers,
Given the confirmed community spread of COVID-19 in Eagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties, effective immediately 3/16/20, and in an effort to protect the safety of patients, staff, and our communities, Mountain Family Health Centers will be shifting operations to minimize in-person clinic visits at all MFHC locations.
For those experiencing fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath, please call us at 970-945-2840 prior to visiting any of our clinic locations to be assessed by a member of our healthcare team. If you are having a medical emergency, dial 9-1-1.
The Mountain Family healthcare teams are available to provide phone and/or telehealth consultations to serve you.
As a Community Health Center, our focus is to slow the spread of the virus, protect the local healthcare infrastructure, and protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Please take personal responsibility to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by practicing personal hygiene actions to protect others.
In addition, we strongly encourage you to abide by the public health directive to practice social distancing and to minimize unnecessary social interactions in Eagle, Pitkin, and Garfield Counties for the coming 14 days.
For resources on COVID-19 from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), visit:
For resources from our local County public health partners, visit:
In health,
Ross Brooks, Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Matt Percy, Chief Medical Team