By Mountain Family Health Centers
Kathleen Chiocca is the winner of the September Mariposa Award! Kathleen is a Registered Nurse at our Edwards health center. She was nominated by Jenny Lang, FNP; Carol Conger, CNM; and Dr. Kent Petrie, MD.
“There is a hero among us in Edwards who is ever steady in her ability and kindness. She comes to work every day and focuses on always delivering high quality patient care in a manner that patients feel love and trust. Kathleen Chiocca is an inspiration for all of us. She is forgiving, inspiring, and ever attentive to detail. She does not have to be asked twice to do a task and most times is one step ahead of me!
I appreciate all that Kathleen brings to the Edwards team and feel she is well deserving of the Mariposa award.” – Jenny Lang, FNP, Site Medical Director for Glenwood Springs and Edwards health centers
“Please accept this nomination for the Mariposa Award for the phenomenal nurse – Kathleen Chiocca. She embraces nursing passionately. Educating tirelessly, the patients, the families, the Medical Assistants and other nurse regarding pregnancy and parenting. Kathleen is the glue that pulls the prenatal team together. She connects with each family regardless of ethnicity, social challenges, unhealthy behaviors or family structure. Partners are engaged at every step of the process and gently invited to jump in! She was absolutely essential to Edwards’ transition into the ‘Mountain Family.’ Her clinical excellence, humor and tenacity made her integral to our success. She is truly a patient advocate, giving each and every one of her patients a voice. She is always there with a quick hug, smile, and emotional support for patients, families, and coworkers alike, oh and particularly newborns. Most recently she has developed a new skill set drawing from her own personal experiences. She is a champion for mental health services, access, and suicide prevention. Presenting at numerous community events, sharing fearlessly her journey through grief and subsequent resilience. She also brings personal clarity to her education regarding weight management, dietary prowess and sweating to a healthier ‘you’. She embodies the spirit of nursing – always caring, compassionate and accepting. Kathleen is a consistent role model for our team, no matter how busy we are she stays optimistic, upbeat and positive. Please join me in applauding Kathleen’s enormous contribution to our mission, our community, and our profession”. – Carol Conger, CNM
“I would like to nominate nurse, Kathleen Chiocca, for this month’s Mariposa Award. Kathleen is truly the ‘glue’ that holds the Gold Team together in Edwards. Our prenatal patients consider her another ‘mom’ when their moms are far away. She is someone to trust, confide in, and turn to when things are difficult. Her experience and heart shine through in every conversation, every phone call, every hand held and every hug given. A patient once told me, ‘Kathleen is just what I needed.’ Yes, I’d go so far as to say that ‘Kathleen is good medicine!’ I ‘prescribe’ her often!
Kathleen has been particularly helpful to me in dealing with my most demanding patients. On busy days, talking to Kathleen is as good as talking to me, maybe better! She embodies the elements of ‘Team Based Care’ before we even roll it out in Edwards.
Finally, Kathleen has been a steady rock during the many transitions of the past year in Edwards. She has been a welcoming and enthusiastic mentor to new staff members.
The only negative is that she is so nice, so friendly, and so caring that she makes me feel like an old grump by comparison sometimes. But I won’t hold that against her. She sets a high standard for all of us!
With great appreciation for all she does, I wholeheartedly nominate Kathleen Chiocca for the Mariposa Award.” – Dr. Kent Petrie, MD