
By Mountain Family Health Centers

Dr. Kent Petrie, MD, is the winner of the November 2019 Mariposa Award. Dr. Petrie is dedicated to his patients and has practiced medicine in the Eagle River Valley since 1979. In January 2020, Dr. Petrie will be transitioning to seeing patients as needed. Thank you for all that you do, Dr. Petrie, and for your many years of service.

“There is one employee who fully embodies the mission of MFHC. He has worked tirelessly for 40+ years to affirm that all individuals have access to high quality health care. Dr. Kent Petrie has demonstrated repeatedly that health care is a human right, not a privilege. As he edges toward retirement, I want to celebrate all that he has given MFHC and the Vail Valley. Dr. Petrie has been instrumental in the success of the Edwards clinic. He sets the standard of how to build teamwork, show kindness to patients, and selflessly work for the betterment of the community. I feel privileged to have gotten to work closely with Dr. Petrie for the past 2 years and am truly amazed of all he has accomplished in his 40 years of practice.” – Jenny Lang, FNP, Glenwood Springs Site Medical Director

“I would like to nominate our dear Dr. Petrie for the Mariposa award. I cannot think of anyone who embodies the six principles better than he. He has graced our lives and the lives of so many patients in the Vail valley over the last forty years. He has dedicated his life to serving others: patients, colleagues and students alike- He has always held special place in his heart for the underserved and can be seen on his days of travelling to Honduras or Africa to care for others. He started Eagle Care Clinic in 1990 and was able to see the clinic expand and grow and partner with Mountain Family health. It started as a small two room practice with one provider and an EMT /Front desk staff member with only a file cabinet of charts and has grown into a multi-practice clinic with Family practice, Pediatrics, adult/geriatric and OB care and is now serving thousands of families annually. Dr. Petrie can be seen coming in early or staying late to answer questions or consult with other providers. He was the Public health director for years and worked at Colorado Mountain Medical and at Copper Mountain and has been a role model in many roles.

“[Dr. Petrie] will often fit a patient into his already full Ultrasound schedule if needed and will always serve as a consult to questions that arise. Dr. Petrie will also extend his expertise in looking at a rash or consulting a difficult patient and will at times, if needed, give a Dr. Petrie’s blessing for patients that just need a second opinion. He guides colleagues thorough the process in a mentor role.

“I first met Dr. Petrie in a job interview, and he told me that he felt that working in an underserved clinic was akin to playing the role of “Robin Hood” in that there was a redistribution of the wealth for all to receive health- and that all people should be served. I thought, “Wow here is someone who not only loves his job but continues to fight the good fight of figuring out innovative ways to care for the underserved when obstacles are placed in the way. His favorite mantra is ‘never tire of doing good.’

“He has mentored many students over the years and continues to be destination of choice for so many nurse practitioner, physician assistant, and medical students-and is well known for his breadth of experience and knowledge and often students return for many rotations as they know they will be able to see all the specialties: OB, Family practice and Adult and Pediatrics all housed with Mountain Family Health.

“Dr. Petrie will often visit his patients in the hospital or attend graduations, weddings, christenings and funerals. He simply is a doctor who cares for everyone he comes in contact with and will tirelessly continue the good fight of “never tire of doing good.” I can’t imagine him actually retiring but rather volunteering or going to pool status as he truly loves what he does and being a doctor is just “who he is.” It seems that caring for others has always been a calling to him. We will miss him terribly when the actual retirement day comes but will celebrate his wonderful next chapter.” – Debra “Deb” Burns, ANP-C, GNP

“I nominate Dr Kent Petrie for Mariposa, I have had the great opportunity to work with him off and on when in Edwards.  Kent is compassionate and caring doctor who seems to always stay calm and serves his patients to the best of his ability.  Kent is genuine and the real deal and has provided consistent quality care for as long as I have known him.  All who work with him only have positive feedback, both patients and coworkers.” – Dr. Casey Aguirre, DO

“Kent Petrie has been providing compassionate care for the families in our community for the past 40 years. He has provided for the complex and challenging care of our most vulnerable pregnant women through their pregnancy and delivery. His care is always been above and beyond what would be considered conventional or reasonable. One such family I can recall had received the terrible news that their baby had a congenital defect that would not allow the baby to survive in this world for long after being born. They decided to deliver the baby. Kent, was with them the remainder of the pregnancy, he met them at the hospital to deliver the baby, and stayed with them the few precious hours this family would ever have together. He was with them at the end of the baby’s life, to support them through this time.

“His ability to perform ultrasounds has provided valuable information to allow for interventions and support for struggling babies in utero. One such baby I can recall, had a life- threatening cardiac anomaly, Pulmonary Atresia. As he had had many ultrasounds during mom’s pregnancy, he was born at a hospital that was ready to intervene at his birth. I am fortunate to care for this young man today. He is an avid soccer player, and he and his twin brother a treasure to their family. The cost of ultrasounds was considered prohibitive in our valley prior to that time and many women, prior to Kent’s arrival would forego prenatal care because of this, and deliver in our local emergency room. “Kent has worked tirelessly with students of all kind. He provides them with interesting and thought-provoking cases and supportive feedback on their progress. I have had the pleasure of Kent as a mentor and teacher myself. He has helped me determine the care for some of the more difficult to diagnose children.  My favorite part of working with this brilliant doctor is presenting complex cases and receiving his guidance… Kent serves as a role model for us all. He has quietly and expertly provided care many times for 3-4 generations of family members. He reminds me on tough days that, we should “never tire of doing good”. He has patience and always believes the best of everyone. He does not like the “R” word  (retirement) but will be “decreasing his time” at the clinic soon. He will be greatly missed by families and colleagues.” – Diane Purse, PNP