
Nominated by Barb Corcoran

“I would like to nominate Laine. This month I have had three patients with chronic mental illness, who have been struggling for quite some time, finally find mood stability thanks to Laine (and their own hard work). This stability included relief from paranoia, crippling depression and suicidal thoughts, constant auditory delusions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Laine is patient, respectful, thoughtful, and listens to their ideas about how things are going. I feel that having Laine is helping all of us to become better providers and support our patients struggling with mental illness with compassion and respect. Yay Laine!”

Nominated by Sara Jacobs

“A patient came in for a medical appointment. I hadn’t seen her for over a year for BH therapy, so I went in to say hello. This is a patient who I saw for several sessions, and she struggled with anxiety and low mood, sometimes calling in near-crisis. This was before Laine was at MFHC, and we struggled to connect this patient with appropriate psychiatric care. Fast forward to this week: Although she didn’t continue with therapy, the pt saw Laine several times in the past year and told me that she has been feeling “emotionally stable” – even  while dealing with some neck pain that had brought her in for the medical appointment.”