Emily McGavin, Director of Development
Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for more than one year are popular assets to donate to a charity. Gifts of securities or mutual funds to Mountain Family Health Centers offer you the chance to support our work while realizing important benefits for yourself. You can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the securities’ fair market value at the time of the transfer.
Securities can be donated as:
An outright gift. When you donate securities to Mountain Family Health Centers, you receive the same income tax savings that you would if you wrote a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer, which can be as high as 20%.
A transfer on death (TOD) account. By placing a TOD designation on your brokerage or investment account, that account will be paid to one or more persons or charities after your lifetime. State laws govern TOD accounts. Please consult your financial advisor about your specific circumstance.
Mountain Family Health Centers’ Director of Development, Emily McGavin, can be reached at (970) 928-1625 or emcgavin@mountainfamily.org; she is available to answer your questions about gifting appreciated securities.