August: Addie Virgil, RN
“I want to publicly thank Addie and the other Glenwood Springs nurses for helping out with an elderly patient of mine who fainted in a therapy session. They were very quick to respond, they took her blood pressure and O2, and helped her when she regained consciousness. They were calm, yet deliberate, professional, caring, and they both stayed with the patient until she was up on her feet and able to go home. An additional thanks to Dr. Aguirre for spending some time with her, making sure nothing was missed medically. This is truly the epitome of integrated care and it would not have happened without the professionalism and graciousness that these professionals exhibited! They are truly my heroes!!!”
-Gary Schreiner, LMFT, PhD, Behavioral Health Director
September: Kendra Nagey, CPNP-PC
Kendra recently had an outstanding catch on a seemingly simple “ankle pain” patient last month. A twelve year-old girl presented with ankle pain for a follow-up after seeing her primary care physician (PCP) and negative x-ray two-weeks prior. Kendra immediately came up with a thorough differential diagnosis and decided to recheck the x-ray despite very low level of trauma and no other medical problems in this child. Sure enough, the x-ray did reveal an abnormality in the ankle/foot junction suspicious for a deep bone infection. The patient was transferred from the ER to Denver Children’s where she received IV antibiotics inpatient and was discharged for follow up with us. This patient has made a full recovery, but if not for Kendra’s thorough care and curiosity with each patient this might have led to a delay in diagnosis and treatment. This is only one example of Kendra’s willingness to go above and beyond. This standard of attentive, patient-focused care shows so clearly her amazing character as a person and a physician. We are so grateful to have her as the head of our SBHC program.
-Anneliese Heckert, DO, Co-Chief Medical Team Officer, Glenwood Springs Site Medical Director
October: Jaime John, CPNPC-PC
This past July, Jaime had a patient who presented following a tick bite. The child was experiencing fevers, rash, fatigue, and loss of appetite. As has been Jaime’s experience since joining MFHC, this child’s course of illness was anything but typical. Ultimately, Jaime was compelled to contact the Infectious Disease team at Children’s and CDPHE to figure out what labs need to be checked to properly screen, treat, and diagnose this child. The ID team at Children’s was impressed with the patient’s work-up that Jaime had independently initiated and offered a few other suggestions. Fortunately Jaime had already been on the right track for treatment and the child returned in a couple weeks looking so much better.
Jaime did an excellent job coordinating with specialists and documenting potential next steps in her notes. The patient remains engaged in additional work up of chronically enlarged lymph nodes and both Jaime and Molli have spent long periods of time coordinating care and arranging for an age-appropriate biopsy plan.
This is just one example of the complexity of the patients that Jaime has been treated since joining MFHC and her consistent willingness to go above and beyond to make sure that her patients have exceptional care and proper follow-up. We appreciate Jaime’s clear dedication to her patients and her practice. Well done, Jaime!
Group nomination from Matt Percy, MD, Co-Chief Medical Officer, Rifle Site Director; Kendra Nagey, CPNP-PC, School-Based Health Center Medical Site Director