Zackary Kent NEW

Nominated by: Diane Purse 

I am happy to nominate Zachary Kent for the Exemplary Care Award. His first year has had many challenges that he has met with organized and well thought out plans. His leadership during the COVID crisis has been reassuring that we were working in a safe environment. He shared information from the county team, to keep us abreast of current information regarding spread and protective measures for the clinic. His guidance was comforting. He showed his ability to be able to work with the key players in Eagle county in a coordinated fashion.

He has been helpful in maintaining a team spirit during the transition of many long time staff members leaving and new members filling those roles. His sense of humor has been an attribute, always leading with a glass ½ full attitude. 

He constantly seeks to improve the quality of the care we deliver by mentoring of providers, nurses and medical assistants. He works with the Prenatal Team to provide coordinated and supportive care for our pregnant mothers and their families. He has standardized many of the tools used to evaluate Adults and Pediatric patients. He asks for input from team members before, during and after changes are made. 

He follows the principle of quality care especially for the underserved. His presentation of the coordination of care and services for the women with the complicated pregnancy showed the ability to provide the needed procedures, supplies and expertise for a positive outcome. 

Nominated by: Adriana “Melissa” Meyer 

Dr. Zack has been with us for a little over a year now and what a roller coaster this last year has been! At the beginning, I was a bit skeptical of having a new boss in town. However, since I started working with Dr. Zack, I immediately felt that he was a great fit for all of us. He has helped me so much in the last year and he is always there to answer even the dumbest question I may have. These last four months have been difficult for all of us but we can all be witnesses of how hard Dr. Zack has worked to be the best advocate for his Edwards team and for the patients in our community. Dr. Zack, thank you for being there for all of us and thank you for being so understanding.