By Mountain Family Health Centers
The winners of the December 2018 Mariposa Award are Laura Ortega and Beth Quinn. Laura is a Social Health Advocate and Beth is a Complex Care Specialist; both work at our Rifle health center. Laura and Beth were nominated by Brenda Gonzalez, RN. We appreciate their hard work and dedication to providing the best care possible for Mountain Family patients. Congratulations, Laura and Beth!
“I would like to nominate both Laura Ortega and Beth Quinn for the Mariposa award. I have seen firsthand the time they invest when it comes to helping patients find resources and coordinate care. The way these two work together as a team in our Rifle clinic is absolutely amazing and fun to watch as they find new patients in need of help. The two of them together brainstorm tips and ways to better serve their patients and always do so as a team. They help each other complete tasks and when they find a problem [and] work together to find the best solution. I know the award can only go to one, but I believe that as a team they are one and both equally deserve the recognition. When the Rifle health center is short an Registered Nurse (RN) or a Medical Assistant (MA) they are always they’re willing to lend a hand and still get their job done.
I am so grateful for these two ladies and appreciate everything they do for our patients and contributions to our team.” – Brenda Gonzalez, RN
Iris Mancinas, Patient Service Representative, Rifle, was also nominated for the December 2018 Mariposa award.