Mountain Family Health Centers is pleased to be able to offer vaccinations against COVID-19 in accordance with the state of Colorado’s priority phases. To date, we have vaccinated 500+ community members and are excited to help protect our patients and community members with this safe, effective vaccine. MFHC is committed to following priority guidance from the state, which is subject to change. We are also likely to have a variable supply of vaccine from week to week, as the state works to distribute vaccine equitably and to the areas of highest need. All of this means we need to be ready to act quickly each week when we learn how much vaccine is available to Mountain Family. In the interest of expediting this process, we are encouraging interested community members of any age to fill out the “COVID-19 vaccine interest form“. Please complete this form and we will contact you by phone to schedule a vaccine appointment when you are eligible and we have vaccine available.
Best regards,
Published: February 4, 2021