Sandra Viera is a  Social Behavioral Health Advocate.

By Mountain Family Health Centers

Sandra Viera is the winner of the August 2018 Mariposa Award! Sandra is a Social Behavioral Health Advocate and played a big role in Mountain Family’s response to the Lake Christine Fire. She was nominated by behavioral health provider Oyen Hoffman, MS, LMFT, LAC.

“I’d like to nominate Sandra Viera for Employee of the Month. Sandra understands our systems like no other. From transitions, to making referrals, to compiling and formatting our data to report to the grant funders. Sandra can do it all it seems. She takes care of anything the Behavioral Health team is requesting from her and she completes her responsibilities with passion and professionalism.

Sandra has been instrumental in our development of the substance abuse program and is even completing her education to become a certified addictions counselor!

When the Lake Christine fire happened, Sandra was available to help organize our co-response with Mind Springs Health and the Eagle County Health and Human Services office. The Hispanic community was able to receive valuable information after the traumatic event. Both Eagle County and Mind Springs Health called me to specifically thank Sandra and the rest of the MFHC family members who also were there helping the fire victims.

Sandra makes our Behavioral Health team stronger, but she does not just do that, Sandra is an awesome representative for Mountain Family Health Centers and often takes on extra duties and responsibilities without reservation or complaint. She is passionate about reaching out to the Latino community and is great at breaking down cultural barriers so that they can get the services they may need. I stayed late to write this… and I never do that! A hardy thanks to Sandra!” – Behavioral Health Provider Oyen Hoffman, MS, LMFT, LAC.