By Ross Brooks, CEO
Dear Mountain Family Health Centers Family and Friends,
With the holiday season upon us, I have been thinking about some of the values which are important to me, particularly those of family, integrity, and gratitude.
The phrase “Our Family, Caring for Yours” so accurately represents what we aim to achieve at Mountain Family Health Centers. We are working hard to be our families’ medical home, by providing high quality, integrated primary medical, behavioral, and dental health care, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
This past year, Mountain Family launched capital campaigns to build new, state-of-the-art clinics, in partnership with Pitkin County and Aspen Valley Hospital for Basalt, and with Eagle County and Vail Health (formerly Vail Valley Medical Center) for Edwards. Why? More than 19,000 people currently call Mountain Family their healthcare home. However, this is only half of the low-income, underserved population who live in our region and need access to affordable health care. These clinic expansions are therefore critical, and I look forward to counting you among our supporters.
This brings me to integrity. For nearly 40 years, Mountain Family Health Centers has provided primary care to those who need it, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, and citizenship status. We also care for our patients regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, disability status, or religion. With the uncertainty surrounding health care, Mountain Family remains committed to affordable health care for all. At Mountain Family, we believe health care is a human right, not a privilege.
In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to our Mountain Family Health Centers family, patients, partners and supporters. We could not do this important work without you, and together we will continue to work to achieve our mission and provide excellent health care.
I wish you all the best for a healthy New Year.
Ross A. Brooks, CEO