An undefined provider speaks with a patient.

By Jon Fox-Rubin, Board of Directors

Maria struggled with her double stroller. She hesitated in the doorway of the new Mountain Family Integrated Health Center in Basalt. The red-faced infant she held pressed against her was crying. She tried to balance the awkward baby bag on her shoulder. A sniffling toddler peeked out from behind her knee.

Maria needed more than a helping hand through the door. She was worried about the baby’s fever. Maria told the doctor she felt stressed and lonely at home with her children. She didn’t understand why she kept crying. Maria shared that she felt scared about not being able to pay for her visit. Her voice cracked as she explained her husband’s job didn’t include health insurance. Maria feared they might be turned away because she couldn’t afford to pay.

Because of donors like you, Maria gratefully accepted the help she needed. She received critical medical care for her baby and toddler, plus emotional support for her depression, all in this one visit. Maria gratefully paid on a sliding fee scale, leaving with pride and relief.

We all understand there is a desperate need to provide health care for hard-working families in the Roaring Fork Valley. Compassionate, affordable health care should be available to everyone. Not everyone has the same access to care, however. I am writing to you today because vulnerable families need your help.

You make a difference in a life through a donation today! 

Many of your neighbors have already quietly given. There is still a gap of $1,500,000 to fill. There is $600,000 in matching funds available to match the impact of your gift, but you must act now.

Thank you for your kindness and concern. Your gift makes a difference.
To make a gift, please call Development Director Garry Schalla at 970-945-2840 ext 7290 (office) or 970-318-8018 (cell).