Jon Fox-Rubin

Board Term: 12/2014-6/2022
Honorary Day: May 24, beginning in 2022
Jon Fox-Rubin joined the Mountain Family Health Centers Board of Directors in December 2014 and was appointed Chair in 2017. He is a Mountain Family patient and a resident of Eagle County. Jon runs FoxRubin Limited, a consulting business that works on strategy, social justice, & systemic change. Jon recently served as the executive director of Valley Settlement and previously, of the MANAUS. Prior to that he co-founded and led two advanced technology companies: Fiberforge Corporation and Hypercar, Inc., both spin-offs of Rocky Mountain Institute. Jon serves on the board of LaMedichi Savings Club and Mountain Voices Project. He previously served as a town councilor for Basalt, where he spearheaded a resolution welcoming immigrants to the community and co-founded “Misión: Comunidad” a non-profit newspaper dedicated to building bridges between the Anglo and Latino communities. Jon holds an interdisciplinary PhD and a Master of Science Degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology along with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with honors from the University of Colorado. He lives in Basalt, Colorado with his wife Julie and their son.